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The Bars®

The Bars are 32 points on the head what when held start to dissipate and unravel beliefs, perceptions, ideals that keep you unable to move ahead.

The Bars were discovered by Gary Douglas of Access Consciousness over 20 years ago and have be taught to people all over the world. Imagine a way to think and behave in a way that allows more choice in your life. When you have your Bars run you are unravelling lifetimes of limitations and that can give more freedom in your daily living.

The only disclaimer for the The Bars® would be: We careful what you wish for because it can show up in ways you never imagined. 

Allow yourself at least 90 minutes for this session. 

Wear comfortable clothing. 


Energy Sessions

The not quite Reiki Energy Session. This is a combination of Reiki, Quantum Touch, Symphony of Possibilities, Channeling and whatever else shows up. It is a hands on modality like Reiki. In all the years of doing energy work this work is ever evolving and open to interpretation. Peace and relaxation are usually the end result. Some people find answers or understandings to what’s going on in their life. Some people have connected in with love ones who have passed on. Others have gone into deep meditative states. Whatever is for your highest good and the intentions you have set will guide you into this journey. I am merely the charger that you connect in with. 

Allow up to 90 minutes for this session.

Wear comfortable clothing.


Intuitive Readings

Tarot cards and Channeling. Sometimes we just need a little insight to get a better understanding on a situation. The Tarot has been around for centuries and the cards may look different depending on the creators but the messages are the usually the same. I love my Angel decks as well as the original Tarot deck and of course our Guides usually pop in with their advice. Guidance is usually gentle and remember like the wind our future is always a choice. 

Allow up to 1 hour

Questions are encouraged.


© 2023 Geri Massott. All rights reserved.

Website by Zachary Weisenthal

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